Sunday, January 20, 2019

Where can I find happiness ?

There is but one place where you can find happiness. The world has nothing but sorrow. But you can find happiness in the presence of God. In the secret place of God. In our prayers but where ever God is is His secret place. In the OT, the Tabernacle was the place where God dwelled. But now we can find happiness through Christ Jesus. Look back over your life and see where the Lord has kept you. In the presence of God 🙌 is where we can find rest. When you are burdened , in His presence we will be blessed. Our soul and our mind is at rest. God knows what we need before we even ask. Just be in His presence and fellowship with Him. There is power. Wonderful saving power in the presence 🙏🙌 of the Lord. We are the apple of God's eyes. Jesus is the core. He is the one that holds up together. Spend time in the Lord and we will find out that we are not as bad of as we think. We have a high place in the presence of the Lord. When trouble comes our way we can run to the that place and say " Oh Lord, my Savior". Ain't nothing like the Love of God. No matter how hard the trouble is all it takes is some praise and that wall will fall. In His presence is all that we need. We must dwell (live) in that place. If we dwell there He will cover us in His arms. Only in the presence of God. Amen.

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