Monday, April 1, 2019

Speak to Yourself in a positive light

Hebrews 12:15
Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God. Lest ANY root of bitterness springs up causing trouble and by this many become defiled.

James 3:6
And the tongue is a 🔥 a world of inquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets 🔥 the course of nature and it is set on 🔥 by hell.

What you speak to yourself is important. You see that you can damage yourself with your own words. Guard your heart carefully and don't let others cause you to be bitter. Get out of that situation as soon as you feel yourself falling. It's not worth the trip. As you can see, it disrupts the natural plan God had for your life and will lead your right to the grave.


Good night 🤗

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