Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Fear of Punishment


Fear of punishment: Mastigophobia

The Fear of Punishment, Abuse or Being Beaten. 

Punishment has been used as a tool for controlling humans and animals since the beginning of time. We have been threatened all our lives to make us fall in line. The Religion warns us of a hell as punishment, constitution threatens us with prison or death sentence, society threatens us with banishment.


Let’s understand the long term effect of the constant threats of punishment on us. A child is threatened to follow orders, like sit quietly, write within the lines on the text book, sit, stand speak, run only when allowed to, if the child does not follow it he gets the punishment.


After a while the child stops thinking, dreaming and even living the way she wants.


The risk taking capability of the child is crushed and the child grows to become a very good follower of orders and the world calls her a normal child. The children who break these rules become abnormal and are usually sent for therapy.


So the normal child grows up to become a normal grown up and lives entire life trapped within the walls of normal behaviour and scared of punishment


Galatians 5:1

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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