Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Don't be ashamed of feeling shame

 Early this morning I was awakened or I never went to sleep early because fear of beauty was on my mind. I am free from that and I am delivered from that. But this morning, shame creeped. Be mindful of the things that dropping your spirit when you awake in the morning. Anyway, I was thinking that I am ashamed of my talents. I am ashamed of my gifts. I am ashamed of my outward appearance. So I realized that this is a root that was embedded in me when I was a child performing, drawing, making my own clothes, singing, and just being me. I realized that my elders made me feel like I was not good enough and that transpired into my adult life way into my older adult life thinking that I'm not good enough. That I'm not worthy to do anything even live. But the Bible says God bless  the works of her hands. The almighty said he will give you the words to speak. He also said that do not be afraid for he will perform what he said he would in me. I trust God. I trust his word. I trust what he says. And I trust that he cares for me enough to uproot all of those roots those negative things that were said to me that transpired into my negative thoughts about me. So I believe that he will do the same for you but instead of you being alone in this Deliverance, that he will send you someone to help you walk through the uprooting. Because once we realize that a lot of the things that we grew up believing about ourselves didn't belong to us but only belong to our predecessors of what was embedded in them, sometimes it just wasn't good. But we are still here. 

We are still living , breathing, and moving, in the Lord in our lives. This is a new life for us. This is a new life for me. No longer will I be bound. To other people's opinions. Not to not listen to sound wisdom but to discern heavily whether it's sound wisdom or just someone's opinion. I know that words have power. That's why there are so many meanings to one word. Because they have power. And the word of God has power to change one's life. Because he changed mine and he still changing it for the better. He still changing it so I can know that I am loved. To know that I have a father that loves me that cares for me that'll help me when I need it. So I send you blessings today and I pray that you be delivered from shame. And don't be afraid to expose it so you can kill it. Selah 

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