Sunday, September 29, 2024

Bitter Men

Kairos Moment 💥

Bitter men 

They always talk about the bitter women in the church. They never talk about the bitter men. Yet they are still making the bitter men spiritual leaders. But it is the bitter men that comes up with the false doctrine. Teaching you what they think is going on with the Word. Sometimes they don't even read the Word or they are coming from another book that you never read.

Bitter men can also be abusive. They use the Paul's theology to make a woman submit to them. They prey on the virgin minded woman and the broken woman. Even the successful woman. They woman thar will work herself until she is exhausted. The woman who has mental illness. The woman who is grieving. The woman who is depressed. They abuse the children by being authoritative. Especially to those children whose biological father is absent. But God is not an authoritative Father.

The bitter man is prideful. His hate for the kingdom of God and life is rooted in trauma from a religious home, church and/ or school. They use the strength of themselves to subdue the weak to ultimately destroy them. Sex is even a weapon. That right there is demonic it is still the spirit of Jezebel controlling and manipulative.  

The deep part is that he will never show you that he is bitter. He never talks about his brokenness. The most educated man could be the bitter man. His heart, pride has been broken by life. And by the church. Has dealt him a bad hand and now he wants revenge. They prey on women and young people because they see them as the weaker being.  

Hebrews 12:15b says, “Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.” Bitterness corrupts, divides, and devastates; it damages and destroys.

Romans 3:13-14:
“Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave.
Their tongues are filled with lies.
Snake venom drips from their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”

 Ephesians 4:31: “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, lamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.”

The Bible also says" Woe to those who see bitter for good. 

Be aware of those men that show themselves strong and mighty and / or fully educated. This spirit of manipulation will try to grab your mind, turn your heart towards themselves. Make you feel less than. This way they can destroy you. And you Woman can never live a whole life.

This will not just be your mate. It could be your father, your brother, your uncle. Your cousin.  

The strength they carry is not your safe space. They need to freed, healed and delivered. Woman it is not your job the heal them. From the beginning the relationship has been with the Almighty and the man. It is God who has to deal with him. 

Your Boaz will not subdue you nor your children. In his mind he is calling and seeing you as the wayward woman. They want to punish you even the more after life has broken you.
