Friday, August 31, 2018


2 Chronicles 15:7 
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will  be rewarded.

This time of year is normally the time for harvest. Some new beginnings. School starts, Colleges begin move ins, etc. Some may think the opposite, that this is seed time. I think that this deals with what ever hemisphere you live in this world. During our time it gets colder and snowy. Other areas are hot and damp. Either way, in the colder months people normally stay indoors. They come out in the warmer months.
I just want to encourage you that where ever you are, it is time to plant some seeds. Good seeds to receive a good harvest. Stay focused on the task that is put before you and don't stay stagnated. Keep moving forward and growing. Soon you will see that your work will be rewarded.

Order my new book Faith Workout. Click the link below.

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Faith WorkoutBurying Places: A Guide to Fasting and Prayer


Thursday, August 30, 2018

So I'm gonna give Him all I have

He shall help right early in the morning. I shall not be moved. The Lord is my Shepard. I shall not lack. The Lord shall give me the fruit of my own hands as they bear good fruit.

As long as the LORD is your Shepard, there is no question about what he will do for you to keep you in safe pastures. Jesus gave His life for you to keep you in safe passage. What will you do for Him.

Let us pray

Father in the Name of Jesus
Thank you for this day.
Thank you for Jesus making intercession for me so that I can have life.
I pray that my heart turns to you knowing all that you do for me.
I pray that others will also. I pray for the sick and dying, the parentless children, and the widows. Bring them peace and love where it is need in these trying times.
I will praise you to the highest. Thank you LORD for blessing me.
In Jesus name I pray


Order my new book Faith Workout. Click the link below.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Genesis 8:33 

While the earth remains seed time and harvest.....shall not cease.

Matthew 9:37, 38

The harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Testimonies are seeds planted to help others believe in the Lord of the Harvest. Just like the apple tree, some years it brings good fruit and some years it doesn't. But when it does it is plentiful, sweet and savory. Just like God's mercy and grace. Prayers and worship to God are seeds. You have planted many seeds now its time to collect the harvest.